Nothing says summer quite like getting the barbecue out, but have you ever stopped to consider what your barbecue style says about you? We all have that one family member who grills sausages like it’s a military operation or that friend who insists on being the ‘pitmaster’ and then inevitably burns the chicken. To help everyone navigate the unruly lands of barbecue etiquette this summer, we’ve devised the first ever roadmap to BBQ style so you can finally get to the bottom of that burning question: What does your BBQ style say about you? (And your grill hogging mates).

Make the garden your theatre
Do you find yourself inviting everyone you know to your BBQs? Do you relish big flavours, bold colours, the flames of the charcoal and the zing of the marinade? Are you attracted by the theatre of the BBQ with sizzling hero dishes singing to your appreciative audience?
If this is all sounding familiar, you my friend are what we call a THEATRICAL BARBECUER, you’re someone that brings the pizzaz to the pit. Whether you’re delighting your meat eaters or your veggies, remember to cook low and slow, giving you an amazing smoky flavour and keeping food moist. By not having your BBQ too hot, your food will be evenly cooked and your culinary and acting prowess will leave the applause ringing in your ears, and your audience calling for an encore.
The Madness of Method
Do you plan your BBQ menu months in advance? Are you the overnight marinader type? Maybe you find yourself obsessing over the uniformity of your kebab sticks? And I bet you love a step-by-step instruction, rules just make life easier, right?
Ladies and gentlemen, leave your shoes at the door because you’ve arrived at the home of a METHODICAL BARBECUER. This is an altogether more measured affair where preparation is paramount, and the world has order once again. If this is you, a gas BBQ will provide you with a reassuringly steady cooking heat and a food thermometer will give you the confidence to know the food you are serving is cooked to perfection. Another tip for the more organised among us is to set up cooking zones. Having a hot zone and an indirect zone is key to being able to achieve great results. Your preparation is your strength, with delicious results every time.
the bear grills of barbecuers
Are you determined to find a way to cook almost everything on the BBQ? Come rain, shine or Storm Eunice do you find yourself grasping for those well-used tongs? Have you ever considered doing a BBQ Turkey for Christmas?
Introducing, the HABITUAL BARBECUER, the true trailblazers of modern barbecue (cult)ure. As a habitual barbecuer, you are motivated by the unknown, and unafraid of pushing the boundaries of fire cooking. For you barbecuing is not just a pastime but a lifestyle. For such dedication to the BBQ, consider a ceramic grill, a dome-shaped barbecue that has a thick interior ceramic shell which is incredibly efficient at holding high or low temperatures for hours, allowing you to take the low, slow route to intense flavour and succulence. And remember, the lid isn’t just there to keep out the rain. In the barbecue world we say: ‘If you’re looking, you’re not cooking’. Closing the lid will keep the fire under control and help cook your food through.
masters of the pit
Did you spend your twenties working at BBQ joints in Texas? Perhaps you’ve experienced the true mastery of jerk chicken in Kingston? Is a 48-hour slow-cooked beef brisket just another day at the office? Maybe the blending of meat and fire has become something of a religious experience to you?
If you’re sitting in this camp, congratulations you’ve made it, you’re what the world calls a PROFESSIONAL BARBECUER and you’re in great company just watch Chef’s Table BBQ on Netflix. If you have been barbecuing for years, you’re probably using those restaurant-grade big blocks which burn hotter and provide better airflow and duration. The ceramic BBQ is also your go-to here, with different temperature cooking zones, creating BBQ feasts is a breeze, and the beauty of this grill, it pretty much cleans itself too. Fire it up to a searing temperature and it burns clean. When you’re done, let it cool off and simply empty the ash drawer. They’re also ideal for grilling, roasting, baking, slow-cooking and hot-smoking. You can also buy a range of gadgets to enhance your Professional Barbecuer credentials. You can easily add a pizza oven attachment for crispy-based pizzas in your garden or a rotisserie for evenly cooking whole chickens. But you probably already know all of this don’t you?
what comes next?
Now that you’ve got the tips and tricks to hone your BBQ style all that’s left are the ingredients and that’s where we come in! The Cookaway BBQ Feast Box (choice of meat or veggie) created by Chef Jack Lucas are packed with easy-to-follow recipes and fresh, quality ingredients that will help you create ‘Professional Barbecuer’ level dishes. So whether you’re hardy or fair weather, a chargrilling veteran or a burger beginner, a gas goddess, a charcoal aficionado, or a ceramic connoisseur, grab your long tongs, a big umbrella and a Cookaway BBQ Feast Box and we’ll deliver the flavour, whatever the weather.